Selasa, 15 April 2014

Heat is defined as the heat energy possessed by a substance. In general, to detect the presence of heat possessed by an object by measuring the temperature of the object. If the temperature is high, the heat contained by the object is very large, and vice versa if the temperature is low, the heat contained slightly.
From the experimental results are often conducted heat required size of an object (substance) depends on three factors:
1.    Mass of matter
2.    Type of substance (specific heat)
3.    Temperature changes

When two or more thermal contact occurs there will be a flow of heat from higher temperature object to a lower temperature object, to achieve thermal equilibrium. This heat transfer process takes place within three mechanisms, namely: conduction, convection and radiation.
a.    Conduction
If a metal is heated in one end tertenu time interval, the other end will feel the heat. This shows that the metal rod that flow or heat transfer occurs from the high-temperature metal to metal parts of a low temperature. Heat transfer in metal that do not follow the mass transfer is called heat transfer by conduction. So is the conduction heat transfer through an intermediary and agent for the heat transfer occurs, it is not accompanied by the displacement of particles of intermediary substances.
Heat transfer in solids can be explained by atomic theory. Atoms in solids are heated to vibrate strongly. A vibrating atoms will move some of its energy to the nearest neighbor atoms pounded. Then the neighboring atoms are crushed and get this heat will come and strike neighboring atoms vibrate more, so on so that heat transfer occurs in solids.
Terms of heat conduction of a body is the temperature difference between the two places on the object. Heat will move from place to place at high temperature low temperature. If the temperature of both places being the same, then the propagation of heat also be stalled.
Based on the ability of a substance dissipates heat conduction, the substances can be classified into two categories, namely conductors and insulators. Conductors are substances that can conduct heat well, while the insulator is the opposite, ie substances that are difficult to conduct heat. From the experimental results obtained that the heat transfer by conduction depends on the type of metal, cross-sectional area conductor of heat, the temperature difference between the ends of the metal, as well as the length of the conductor through which the heat is.
b.   Convection
At the time of heating water on the stove using a saucepan, heat propagation will occur from the water in the bottom of the pan to the surface by convection. Based on observation, as this heat transfer occurs in a substance that flows, as in liquids and gases. Convection heat transfer in different heat transfer in conduction, convection, where the incident occurred a mass movement or the movement of particles of intermediate particles, whereas the conduction events, this does not happen. The move took place because they kind of mass differences. Due to the heat, the density of the substance at the bottom (which is closer to the heat source) will be reduced, so that will be lighter than the substance in it. This light causes the substance to move upward, while the heavier substances will move downward. So forth, so that the water in the pan will continue to go up and down spins.
From this convection problem will be obtained that the propagation of heat by convection depends on the thermal convection coefficient of heat transfer substance, the heat transfer surface area, as well as the temperature difference between the heat flow with heat dumps.
Convection can happen to:
1.      Liquids
   Terms of the solid liquid convection is the heating. This is due to the particles involved move liquids.
2.      Gases
     Convection occurs also in the gas, for example air. As with the water, propagation (flow) heat the gas (air) occurs by convection. Some of the events that occurred as a result of air convection is as follows.
ü The existence of the sea breeze. Sea breezes occur during the day. During the day, land gets hot faster than the sea so that the air in the land rises and is replaced by air from the ocean.
ü The existence of onshore wind, onshore wind occurs at night. At night, the land to cool faster than the oceans. Thus, the air over the ocean rises and is replaced by air from the mainland.
ü The air circulation in the room at home and the presence of the factory chimneys.
b.   Radiation
Radiation is heat transfer in the form of electromagnetic waves. In radiation, heat or energy propagates without the need for an intermediary substance, unlike the case with conduction or convection is always in need of a medium.
Virtually every object emits and absorbs radiation energy. There are glowing hot objects, and some are not glowing. The second object is dispersive / radiate heat energy in the form of electromagnetic waves with different wavelengths.
Joseph Stefan finds that the rate of propagation of heat by radiation per unit area of surface will depend on the nature and temperature of the object surface. Shiny objects disperse heat more difficult than things that dull. This situation also applies to objects that absorb heat. Glossy surface objects more difficult to absorb heat than a black body and dull the surface. So it can be said that black and dull object is a radio transmitter and a good heat absorbed.
Effect of heat on an object other  than to increase the temperature of an object can result in changes in states of matter. Material change is the change properties of a substance or material into another substance either into a new substance or not. A material usually experience changes in temperature when heat transfer occurs between the materials with their environment. In a given situation, this heat flow does not change its temperature. This occurs when the phase change material. Eg solid to liquid (melting), liquid to vapor (boiling) and changes in crystal structure (solid). The energy required is called heat or latent heat of transformation.
All around us there are a variety of objects such as water, metal, wood. Alcohol, the air we breathe, or helium gas used to fill helium gas.
These objects be grouped into three states of matter, namely:
1. Solids, for example iron and wood
2. Liquid, for example water and alcohol
3. Gas, for example heliun and oxygen
Joseph Stefan finds that the rate of propagation of heat by radiation per unit area of surface will depend on the nature and temperature of the object surface. Shiny objects disperse heat more difficult than things that black and dull. This situation also applies to objects that absorb heat. Glossy surface objects more difficult to absorb heat than a black body and dull the surface. So it can be said that black and dull object is a radio transmitter and a good heat absorber.

Such items are subject to change shape. based on changes nature of the substance changes form the substance can be classified:
1. Merged: Changes in the form of solids to liquid
2. Freeze: Change a liquid form into solids
3. Yawning: Changes in liquid form into a gas
4. Condense: Changes in the form of gas into a liquid substance
5. Sublimes: Change in solid form into a gas
6. Deposed: Changes in gas form into solids

Material change are divided into two kind:
a. Changes in physic
Changes in physics is a process of change in physical appearance of an object with a basic identity unchanged. These changes are temporary and do not produce new substances. For example rice into rice flour.
b. Chemical changes
A chemical change is a material change in circumstances include not only physical, but also the identity of the base. These changes can also occur simultaneously in an event, such as candles are lit, some wax melted and then froze again, some candles burning to gas. Chemical changes are permanent and produce new substances. Material changes chemically accompanied by:
1. Discoloration
2. The occurrence of sediment
3. The emergence of gas
4. The occurrence of heat.

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