Senin, 07 April 2014

KD.4.8. Do an experiment to investigate the fluid pressure at a certain depth, buoyant force, capillarity, and the fluid pressure on enclosed space.
  1.      Povide motivation and apperception to students by asking questions:
·      What difference do you feel when swimming around the surface of the swimming pool and the bottom of the swimming pool?
  1.      Students are divided in to 5 groups and each group received a worksheet. 
  2.     Students are designing an experiment to investigate the effect of the depth of the liquid pressure and make hypothesis.
  3.       Students create experimental data and analyzed the data.
  4.      Representatives one groups to present the results of experiments and other groups give the respond and then discuss if there are differences in the results of the experiment
  5.         Students conclude the results of each experiment.
     1.      Evaluation from teachers to prevent misconceptions.

Name : Indah Annisa Diena  
NIM : 12315244013

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